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1. JabbaABng graphical Java browser
2. Repository manager managing and handling information in ABng system
3. (J)abngawayclient for managing away messages
4. (J)abngvisitorclient for adding and removing guests from the ABng system
5. fingerExtension to the standard UN*X finger
6. ablockApplication that locks the screen when a user leaves his/her room
7. abtraceApplication for tracing whereabouts of a given user
8. whereisProgram for locating a named user
9. ABng PBXLocation-aware 4x24 PC-based PBX
10. ABng book libraryFully automated book library with ABng authorization


Jabba (Java Active Badge Browsing Application) is a Java browser for viewing the current localizable objects' locations and data provided by ABng. It displays the information in two ways:
  • tabular - users', locations' and equipment data tables,
  • graphical - presents a map of observed area.

The program uses Server Manager, View, User Repository, Equipment Repository and Location Description Repository servers. It is notified about changes inside the ABng system, such as: user name and location change, location data (e.g. phones) etc.

The scope of observed objects is restricted by the view Jabba is attached to.

Repository manager

Repository manager is an application for managing and handling information in ABng system. It simplifies operations available for repositories such as browsing, adding, updating, removing and finding. This application also supports callback mechanism which will notify the user every time any data was changed in repositories. Because of the fact that most of the repositories are very similar a pattern was created. It will simplify in future a process of adding an interface for a new repository. Further, this solution can be used for developing interfaces for newly created repositories.

Application was written in Java 1.1.4, Swing 1.0.1 and OrbixWeb 3.0.


A command line and GUI client for managing away messages. With these applications one can view away messages put into the ABng system, add, update or remove them. The away messages are pieces of text that can be displayed instead of the current location of a user, when he or she is away.


A command line and GUI client for adding and removing guests from the ABng system. There are several visitor badges that are reserved for guests, these applications allow one to assign a new guest to a badge, or break such an assignment.


An extended standard UN*X finger program, displays also information retrieved from ABng system. Uses a view server and away repository of the ABng system.
iris >finger pinio
Login: pinio                            Name: Aleksander Laurentowski
Directory: /home/iris/pinio             Shell: /bin/csh
Location: ICS corridor
On since Wed Jul  7 10:56 (MET DST) on pts/8 from mlb
    1 hour 55 minutes idle


An extended standard UN*X xlock program, locks the screen when a user leaves his/her room. Uses a view server of the ABng system.


A command line application for tracing whereabouts of a given user. Uses a view server of the ABng system.
iris >abtrace pinio
uid:            pinio
Name:           Aleksander
SurName:        Laurentowski
Position:       assistant
Last seen:      Wed Jul  7 14:01:40 1999
Quality:        40
At room:        (423) PR/RR/DM
People in room: 2
Last seen:      Wed Jul  7 14:02:30 1999
Quality:        20
At room:        (424) AK/IB
Last seen:      Wed Jul  7 14:02:43 1999
Quality:        20
At room:        (423) PR/RR/DM


A simple command line program for locating a named user. Uses a view server and away repository of the ABng system.
iris >whereis pinio
uid:            pinio
Name:           Aleksander
SurName:        Laurentowski
Position:       assistant
Last seen:      Wed Jul  7 14:03:29 1999
Quality:        60
At room:        (423) PR/RR/DM
People in room: 3


ABng PBX is a location aware PC-based 4x24 PBX. It's main function is to redirect the incoming phone calls to the telephone set that is nearest to the person being called. To achieve this, every user registered with the system is provided with a unique identification number. When the incoming call arrives, an auto-attendant asks for the identification number that should be supplied by the caller using DTMF tones. If the caller is not familiar with the identification number of the person being called, he or she can use directory look-up facility of the ABng PBX or ask for the operator.

ABng PBX is based on the Dialogic hardware components (D41/ESC, MSI240/SC) that provide interface to the analog telephone lines as well as to the POTS stations. Switching functionality is based on the non-blocking digital telephony bus (SCbus).

ABng book library

With the ABng book library the process of borrowing a book has been significantly automated. An Active Badge is used to authenticate the user and subsequently open the library door lock. With the help of a bar-code scanner connected to the ABng poller there is no need to fill in any forms or papers - the transaction data is automatically stored in an SQL database.

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